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MY G.U.N. 2 - God's Unionized Nation

Writer's picture: True Hebrew ApparelTrue Hebrew Apparel

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

It is indeed given unto the righteous to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. For this people have eyes but see not, they have ears but hear not. How wretched! I thank the God of heaven and earth for pulling me out of the stooper. For this people's heart is waxed gross, their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they've closed. O King, thy words are indeed true. It's a marvel, seeing this prophecy for many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which I see and have not seen them, hear those things which I hear and have not heard them. I'm completely happy at heart in understanding these things. For no unlearned Christian are qualified to say what's really required other than what's written. Yet, they do. Looking through the lens of Christianity being misguided, confused and deceived. For the voice of understanding is not uttered inside churches made with hands. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel. Selah.

MY G.U.N. 2 - God's Unionized Nation

I live by My G.U.N. and shall die by the G.U.N.

Serious and no joke I don't take this for fun!

My G.U.N. isn't something to brandish for fame.

I just plant the seed in those that I take aim.

For some things of the world they'll gain.

If thou continue to rebel you're going to end up in sorrow and pain.

I CHANT, I don't need no Teflon nor Glock.

Only with thy word, I'll run a heretic off the block!

Under Christ, The Israelites will have the world on lock.

Time's ticking, even Esau's watching the doomsday clock.

O GOD you've called me, I can't draw back!

I smoked the Cigaweed, threw away the whole pack!

I used to poison my soul as the flower of hemlock!

Now, a foolish thing; the wisdom of the world no Holmes and Sherlock!

Biblical G.U.N.MAN without a Glock in my waste!

QUICKLY, I pull a script and killed his doctrine in haste!

Chosen precept from my 1 Chronicles Colt.

Found it lightning fast, he's shocked like a volt!

Mr Carnal Man, you can't collar this!

Angels surround me, you can't stop this!

Stiffnecked rebel, you better get the gist!

I don't want a fight, I don't knock fist!

Too bad for you, thought I was a novice!

Hebrew Warrior I don't talk nothing I don't practice!

Your friends had some questions and they took a gamble!

For my light was shinning like fire on a candle!

I fired My G.U.N. til the clip dropped out of the handle!

They couldn't take the truth, so like an egg; they had to scramble!

They came for a talk soup, well I'm not Campbell's.

Unbiblically, their stupid doctrines end up in shambles.

Doctrine so tasteless like chicken at Bojangles.

I've pulled the perfect precepts that strangles.

A wolf and lamb don't tangle!

My G.U.N. make planes vanish crossing the Bermuda Triangle!

My goodness Christians, GET-A-GRIP!

My G.U.N. doesn't have a rubber grip!

I meditate terror getting dressed on my pants I pulled the zip!

In the blood of thine enemies with my foot I want to dip!

Swing low sweet chariot take me to the wilderness on a trip!

I eat the book and of the living water I continue to sip!

Christians don't read Torah but The Old I behold.

Left them trembling and its not even cold!

How you've read The New and not The Old?

The Old is filled with prophecies never been told!

You lying pastors with your soothsaying sermons acting bold.

They NEVER read to you Deut. 28 foretelling you're ancestors being SOLD!

Forefather Nahum prophesied about the oppressing crack of the whip!

Help us O LORD and capsize Babylon's slave ship!


My faith is upon the Rock of Ages!

He comes in the volume of the book; yea, the holy pages!

Like a woman in travail, prophecies are coming in stages!

O sweet chariot don't leave my soul in Hades!

Remember, these G.U.N.SHOTS can't return void.

I'll never forget what you did to Emmett Till, Sandra Bland and George Floyd.

Show me your wife and I'll tell you who you are!

My G.U.N. is black and comely as the tents of Kedar!

I was lost in the thicket, I knew not my mistakes!

I had to mow the grass now I see these snakes!

On the broadway to hell, I stepped on the brakes!

I fled Christianity and stop listening to T.D. Jakes!

Warreth for the souls of many which is some high stakes!

Our people remain rebellious because they're some Totally Dumb Jakes!

The LORD fight my fights tell Mike Tyson.

All Christendom doctrines are like poison.

Blind leading the blind to destruction on the horizon.

Trapped in a undesirable plan like Samsung to Verizon.

Precept bullet bites off a heretic ear like Tyson!

Edomite bloodshedders who killed off the Native Indian's Bison!

Spiritual walker I shod my feet heading east I've decided to hike.

Stupid doctrine has to die when I decide to strike.

I'll ride upon the way of truth like a motorbike.

Serving a spiritual beating like Tina Turner and Ike!

I'm getting food in abundance no breadcrumbs.

Acquired wisdom and knowledge without credit but I get funds!

No lie, since this spiritual walk; I've found a new gear.

There's nothing good is this wicked world I swear!

Babylon's currency being propped up by air.

No gold, but people chase the dollar sign here and there.

U.N. meeting around the way from Times Square.

Heathens counseling because they don't like me, not that I care.

Secret plots to Redline so we can't get a fair share.

I'll Blackline you with My G.U.N. looking austere.

Nation against nation prophesied and I see that clear.

I trembleth at the judgements of the LORD that's what I fear!

Some say, "god bless the Queen, god bless the Queen, god bless the Queen!"

But I say, "God cursed the Queen, God damned the Queen, God killed the Queen!"

I've got to fire this prophetic bullet from my magazine!

She shall be resurrected for flames to burn her in that filthy gabardine!

O Edom, you can hide in your doomsday bunkers with fifty padlocks.

Even so, our KING will slay rams, lambs and bullocks!

HEATHENS! What you feel like?

Your metal will always rust as an old bike!

DAMN, you Christians don't read!

The Apostle John Blacklined the Herodians with the reed!

O god of this world, your skin isn't too tough to bleed!

The Lord's ARMY marched through Detroit like a centipede!


Gather, O ye lost sheep; come and feed!

Ye heathens, remember this don't forget.

My G.U.N. war's BIGGER than the U.S. vs. The Soviet!

MY G.U.N. warns STOP sleeping with Dawn, Keisha and Collette.

Ye are not your own, why play Russian Roulette?

Daughters of Sarah against every arrow don't open your leg.

Don't pass thy children through the fire when the seed of copulation cracked the egg!

With My G.U.N. in hand, UN-DE-FEA-TED!

A Christian can't mess up my street CRED!

At the firing of the G.U.N.; out of the blocks, never lose track.

Never trod alone Benji travel with the Wolfpack.

Heavy metal will kill you once, but; My G.U.N. will kill you twice!

How? Regenerating spirits is of the Lord's will until it's suffice.

The Lord has mercy but His judgments are the deadly types.

Killing off rebels in His movie like Wesley Snipes.

Wisdom weaponry to a higher level than a rooftop.

Wickedness in high places want to see the most High Jewels drop.

Blue Lives takes Black Lives; thou sword, beware of a cop.

Constantly, killing the LORD'S people who's the cream of the crop.

Black Lives, Blue Lives the Israelites matter.

Leave them in their mixup like cake batter!

Don't you want salvation?


Your brain's in a KNOT!

Let me remind you in case you've forgot!

You keep looking back as the wife of Lot!

The other nations the LORD totally disregarded.

If you can't UNDERSTAND THAT you must be retarded!

In the cool of the day, you've heard My G.U.N. clapping,

Freely given, wrapped nicely in a gift wrapping!

Hear the poetic flow this ain't no rapping!

Jerky already heard, now Rerun wants to know What's Happening?

You can't get the understanding cause you're a spiritual invilid!

I fed you G.U.N.SHOTS til it got insipid!

No retreat nor surrender!

Your confusion can't mix me up like a blender!

Don't care what's on your evil agenda!

Confusion of sexes now Glenn wants to be Glenda!

On this evilous train ride, tell the conductor I have no fare!

Life's short, why waste time being a sodomite or queer?

Don't get me wrong they're many ways to hell!

These are some of the chief ways our people rebel!

I BLAZE FIRE, on every evil doer because you're not right!

O hear this word, REPENT; every catamite and sodomite!

There's nothing new under the sun!

The Most High will never adopt a battyman son!

In the Spirit; the Most High already relinquished your vile affections with His G.U.N.

So tell me, in that day; where the hell are you going to run?

I mean, you have a POT; that fits with the COVER!

THAT, goes well like Danny to the Glover!

Sought out many inventions and Sodomy is what you discover?

You better REPENT and try to recover!

Hey Evan, Devon can't be your lover!

It's still WRONG even using a prophylactic rubber! 🤢🤮

You filthy handyman, nnasty Jake Plumber!

Frolicking in your sins being dumb and dumber!

Loving the sins of the flesh? Your decision!

Let him fall into the hand of the physician!

As the days of old, they'd brake down the house of the sodomites!

Today, they're protected by so-called gay rights!

So what then?

To Ben and Ken, Doris and Gwen!

As Abraham did, I pray for the sodomite!

Hell, you're father's a Amorite and your mother's an Hittite!

My G.U.N. is a spiritual component!

Behold, get ready for the Day of Atonement!

Unapologetically, I've got to be BLUNT!

I'm out, you all get ready for THE HUNT!

Written by Shamgar Israel




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Jul 23, 2024
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Jul 02, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Shalom, Shalom, Shalom brethren!


Jul 02, 2024
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Jul 02, 2024
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Jul 02, 2024
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Grass roots enginuity still doing what it do! Instead of having ideas locked away in his head and thinks about it, his puts it into action you can't knock him for that.


Mar 23, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

There's nothing new under the sun!

The Most High will never adopt a battyman son! 😂🤣😅😆💯

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