This Place is a pain and a mess.
Causing severe anxiety and stress.
In heavenly treasures we need to invest.
From Babylon, thy people need a rest.
O Lord I can't breathe in this suffocation.
In Babylameriegypto thy people are living in sufferation.
Can't breathe, listen to my meditation.
To my King, I plead my situation.
Can't breathe, Revelation 13:10 is my reparation.
Bow down thy ear as I chant this supplication.
Can't breathe on this wretched plantation.
Always keep you in all holy conversation.
Northern Kingdom can't breathe due to his greed.
Esau raped, robbed and murdered thy righteous seed.

Many can't spell but that's what they've got some of us under.
Some so far gone at times I've got to ponder.
Unstable fool, waiting for weed to get a commercialized sponsor?
Rebellious rastaman there's no wisdom when you smoke ganja.
Can't tell the difference between Carl and Cassandra.
What's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander.
Thou compassing Woman, how you've never Wonder?

The people started to swell, the defiled food is giving us cancer.
In thy Holy word, there lies the answer.
The money can't flow, the economy is moving stagnant.
Meanwhile sin and wickedness is running rampant.
O Lord I can't breathe in this suffocation.
Thy people are living in sufferation.
O Lord, I can't breathe; I feel cluster-phobic.
Tried bodily exercise mixed with aerobic.
O Lord, I can't breathe, but I can read.

In the depths of this mental pollution,
They want us to dive, living in destitution.
It's a waste of time, their religious and political institution.
I'm sick of this vile body, I need a substitution.
O King of Kings, none saith restore; we need restitution.
We don't vote Red nor Blue, for there's no inclusion

But still we survive, in-spite of persecution.
Daily tempers flaring up with nuclear eruption.
Leave not my soul in hell, the Holy One never saw corruption.
Wars and rumors of wars heightened nuclear ammunition.
I may live to see an earth-shattering ebullition.
I Marvel not, wisdom and knowledge has the solution.
All flesh consorteth according to kind,
Therefore, we have a different mind.
The time they can't rewind.
Stay on the grind.
I see the signs of the times.
Living in these times.
Prophetical chant mixed with the rhymes.
Babylon is going to pay for their crimes.
Chess move by the king's heart was sublime.
Now christian faces are sour like a lime.
Watch, just give it a little time.
Things are going to turn on a dime.
I can feel the frequencies changing around me.
It's like the anxiety is trying to drown me.
O Lord I can't breathe in this suffocation.
Thy people are living in sufferation.
Can't breathe; I feel cluster-phobic.
Tried bodily exercise mixed with aerobic.
Can't breathe, but I can read.
I'm glad you've Black-lined the Herodians with the reed.

The Red Nation is plotting insurrection to harm them.
I'm forever mad, I can't be lukewarm.
The effects of soy bean, tumors will form.
I BLAZE FIRE on Monsanto with his GMO seeds.
Thou shall not go unpunished for all your evil deeds.
In just a little while there will be millions of starving Marvins.
Spending your last at Greek customs as a fan of the Marlins.
Not to mention the other custom which bounces the Spalding.
Open your eyes, Babylon is falling.
I chant the truth, here comes a reprimand.
I speak "Thus saith the Lord" which is a command.
A reparational chant eastward to our land.
True righteousness, The Holy One demand.
O Pastors, they're no commandos heavily bank rolling major figures.
Listen to the LORDs chanting sound.
Babylon shall sit in the dust of the ground.
Forever, Ben David shall reign with the crown.
I can see it, Babylon is burning down.
O heavens, listen to my fire chant.
Thou knowest, salvation is what I really want.
Because in this kingdom....

Written by Shamgar Israel,

Inspiration never stops.
He 100% correct on this!
More lightings!
Please I'm glad I left America!
No lie this is clearly evident in America