After a few hours the doors of the Great Barn were opened and The Animals went outside. With two Rhinos to the left and right of the barn doors which stood as pillars, there were also two Lion Guards that stood in the midst of the door opening. The Lion Guards walked out slowly, both were on high alert and on the lookout for P.I.G.s. The Lion Guards signaled Jephthah, Joshua and Seth to take a closer look of their whereabouts and to determine the safety of the farm for their brethren. After all, it didn't take too long to find them for the P.I.G.s were all bunched up, squealing and grunting as they fed themselves from the troughs on one side of the farm, about two acres walk. As some ate greedily and pig out to their hearts content, others took part in Greek customs at play.

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Excerpt written by,
Shamgar Israel
No I had to stop....you can't tell me this ain't black people, 😁 it's us!
Secondly, people can read the Bible all day but to see what you see is the difference. Keep it up brother. Need more💯💯💯💥💥💥✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
To take the time to read and formulated this is definitely a talent.
Ground up movement no clout chasing I respect the hustle.
Gotta respect the originality