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Animal Farm Part 4

Writer's picture: True Hebrew ApparelTrue Hebrew Apparel

Updated: Jul 28, 2024

The Old Farmer being happy as can be marched the inglorious creations towards the back of the residence, whereas; they stood and looked at the barn as it came into their sights. A few moments passed and Tobias remembered the Bird who stared at him earlier. Quickly and swiftly his eye paired upon the foliage, rooftops and in the trees in hopes of catching a glimpse of that Bird. Deciding to quit rather shortly for his poor vision permitted him from seeing in the distance and the glare of the sun's rays was no help either. Doug Landrace, noticed the efforts and swiveling notions of the Farmer as he constantly looked and paired across the farm with his hands over his eye blocking the sun's rays. The P.I.G.s grunted with annoyance by the theatrics displayed by the Farmer. The unholy trio looked amongst themselves, then looked at Tobias to dialog with him but dealt with respite in their response. Before long Doug Landrace said onto the Farmer:

"May I ask what the hell are you looking for? He asked with a rude undertone.

"I beg your pardon?" Replied Tobias

"Don't forget who's in charge here swine!" Exclaimed Tobias

"O forgive me of my tone, I just wanted to know the whereabouts of our stay?" Replied Doug.

"You're on a farm you fool, you figure it out!" Cried Tobias

Straitway the Old Farmer got annoyed and reminded them of their duties pertaining to the other Animals.

"Now don't play coy with me, each of you already know your duties and I want nothing less than success at every interval." Said the Farmer crisply.

A few more disparaging remarks and orders were barked by Tobias as he stood in the midst of the P.I.G.s. Tobias ranted and ranted some more as the P.I.G.s stood and watched, listening keenly to the words as the Old Farmer spewed them sharply. Seemingly, only a demon can tolerate a demon; oddly enough, the P.I.G.s exercised persuasive compliance altogether leaning in and paying close attention. Nearing the end of Tobias' angry outbursts of hatred, villany, echoing chants of violence, speak wickedly concerning oppression and deceit was absorbed into the minds of the evil sect of swine. Altogether, they stumped their left trotters in compliance as Tobias spoke furious words of evil. When Tobias saw the commonality of the comrades in agreement as he rallied them together it pleased him greatly, insomuch; he took a moment to bask in the glory thereof. Shortly thereafter, Aaron Berkshire said onto Tobias:

"Is there anything else your majesty?" He said softly.

Tobias now filled with pomp exceedingly replied "No, that's it for now" walked off, climbed three steps of stairs and entered the residence. At the departure of Farmer Clementine Doug, Aaron and Jason conspired between themselves to have the other P.I.G.s check out the farm. Meanwhile, the Troublesome Trio looked at Tobias' residence with great covetousness and wonderment. Aaron Berkshire, who stood in the middle was anchored by Doug Landrace and Jason Tamworth at his left and right. With their snouts pointed upward to the skies, they looked at the vastness of the residence evermore in astonishment and imagined what would it be like to live in such luxury. As they looked, they admired its windows, its high vaulted roofs, its elegant stone chimney, its patio furniture and its well manicured landscaping. The opulence of the Manor was captivating to the eye and their covetousness grew evermore exceedingly as the P.I.G.s marveled. Straitway, Doug Landrace told Aaron Berkshire and Jason Tamworth to gather together the P.I.G.s under a nearby Ash Tree. Once there the P.I.G.s began to speak about the nature of the other Animals and their purpose to garner favor with them. Covertly and deceitfully they spake not in dark sayings but plainly whereas all comrades understood the mission. After a few moments, the ungodly sect of swines departed and dispersed themselves roundabout the farm. The Earth moaned and groaned within itself after the utterance of evils by the P.I.G.s. Their wickedness was cunningly devised insomuch it bemoaned nature whereas the goodly Ash Tree began to wither.


Frankly, Abbadon's gift to the Troublesome Trio exceeded far beyond the other P.I.G.s, nevertheless; each of them had their faults. Doug Landrace had the spirit of a "Leader", he also acts as the team Father, or the mediator when the other two get into any disagreement. He's also the one who is socially adept and has the least qualms with going through with this formulated farce. Also, he uses his masculine wiles for the groups benefit, while Aaron Berkshire the "Brainiac" has technical skills but is socially awkward and Jason Tamworth who's "Brawn" struggle with any obstacle he can't beat into submission.

An evil concocted conundrum born from the depths of hell was on its way. Shall the peaceable be forgotten and flung aside whereas help faileth? Shall faith, patience and the readiness of mind be consumed by ill-advised leadership, witty wickedness and irrational brute strength? Lo, the tribulations set forth shall not divert, but continue its course sifting through the souls of many were the just shall remain.


The sun was shining brightly on this calm and beautiful day as the unholy sect lingered as time passed slowly. Noticeably, the skies were clear with very few clouds that dressed it. There was no silver-linings nor dark clouds on the horizon across all Eldritch Farm whatsoever. All seemed to be perfect, or perhaps too perfect for the storm that's brewing. Where's a man in the likeness of the Good Shepherd or the Good Samaritan? Can no light shine upon the midst of evil for the day is too bright? After clearing his throat, Doug Landrace; their Leader proclaimed unto them saying:

"My comrades, my brothers; we gather here today to bring forth our truths in the dismantling of our enemies. Against the deterrence of many, we've come a long way from our Assidean ancestors in the continuation of preserving traditionalism. We're at war brothers and in war there will be casualties. Prepare thyselves for the battle will not be a stalemate but hard and grueling for one must overcome the other. Needless to say, success is paramount, therefore; we'll routinely operate at first watch to overtake the day. Note well brothers, the enemy of success is chaos! Yes my comrades, let's band together as one and feast on the fears of the forlorn. Once we get one, then we'll try and gain two. After two more, by Abbadon's grace we shall have a few turned to follow us".

This was a very startling proclamation by Doug. His words were sharp and to the point searing the minds of the comrades roundabout. It was a devious plot indeed and The Animals had no idea what the P.I.G.s had in store for them, or will they?

Jephthah, Joshua and Seth three sentries set to keep post as a watchman, wisely, low-key and out of sight. Samuel, the war minded General had set forth plans ahead of time so that neither he nor his brethren be caught off guard. Headed by Jephthah, they were very wise and obedient. These whelps were young, powerful and fierce warriors, but they played no hero. They did that which they were commanded taking surveillance, collecting intel and reporting. Making no sudden moves, noises were deaden by the stillness of stealth while hidden behind the thick groves as they watched and listened. Some of the lesser anointed P.I.G.s pranced and ran too and fro, up and down as children in the gardens. The well maintained landscaping of the residence must have gotten to them in some ways of amusement. Howbeit, within a short time of their visitation they began to make a mess. The gardens were trampled as they rummaged through it ripping off branches, leaves from chrysanthemums, daffodils, azaleas, coneflowers and begonias. Various fruits, peppers, tomatoes and corn were also damaged by the menacing bunch. Jason, who saw the shenanigans carried out by the comrades immediately sprung into action and reprimanded them from continuing with a brutish demeanor.

"Good god almighty, we haven't been here an hour and this is how you're behaving?" We're soldiers and we're at war so act accordingly." He said unto them sharply.

The disturbing distraction came at a very good time. The sentries utilized it and withdrew themselves and made their way back to the barn. With great haste, the Lions dashed through the thickness of the tall grass towards the barn. As the Great Barn came into sight the Lions slowed down at the edge of the tall grass which was now lower grass leading out to an open field.

"We cannot run the risk of being seen." Jephthah said unto his brethren wisely.

Therefore, he exercised wisdom and used the outlying rocks and trees throughout the farm to outflank the P.I.G.s. It was a successful feat perfectly executed. They approached a rear door of the barn and Jephthah scratched it repeatedly with his front paws. Seth and Joshua crouched behind him to the left and right of him as overwatch. The Rhinos, who guarded the door opened it slightly and once they recognized it was their brethen they immediately received them.

Upon their arrival, the young whelps sought immediate counsel with the elders. The Rhinos relayed the message to the Buffalos which relayed it to the Lion guards then, finally reaching Samuel and the elders. After hearing the news, Samuel told the Lion guards to escort Jephthah, Joshua and Seth in. It was a long walk, for the barn was great; which had forty horse stables, three of which were combined and used as a war room. The lions entered, one after the other; Jephthah, Seth and Joshua whom gave detailed account of what was seen and heard. It was a startling revelation the word of the Lord had come to pass. The countenance of Samuel was stern and unmoveable as he reminisced about the Lord's visitation a few nights before. Then Samuel said unto them:

"These animals are they not pigs? He asked.

"Yes, they're indeed pigs, twelve in number, three wise and nine subordinates." Replied Seth.

"They have a warlike mentality to fight against us. Their speech is filled with traditional outlooks and made mention of Hasidean ancestry." Replied Joshua.

"They're a covetous bunch of traditionalist speaking with man's voice uttering devilish wisdom, not just any wisdom; but wisdom according to our laws. As mentioned, they're three main pigs which are more wiser than the other pigs. They are as shepherds!" Replied Jephthah.

The remarkable explanation given by the whelps caught the attention of Samuel and the elders greatly. As they looked amongst each other it was then declared by Samuel that they were not normal pigs but rather something more sinister. Their unknown "pharisean persona" puzzled them and had to be dealt with intelligently. Jephthah, Seth and Joshua are mighty warriors who grew up with Samuel since their youth. They approached Samuel and the elders with a fierce countenance in taking immediate action. Blood was on the minds of the warriors.

"Samuel, we can take charge of this Farm, they're plotting to war against us." Exclaimed Seth.

"Let's make our stand and strike quickly and make good riddance of all pigs." Exclaimed Joshua.

"The Wolves can be used to flank and funnel them into the plains of the farm and there we finish them off lest they become a heavy yoke upon us." Cried Jephthah.

"Brethren, you're all warriors at heart and are good friends. Likewise your intentions are very ambitious as well as noble. Let's not be so quick to commit the fifth displeasure that God hates. Therefore, we will hold our peace and restrain our feet that be swift in running to mischief." Replied Samuel.-

"Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy."

A fiery precept from Zephaniah 3:8 quoted by the Samuel which immediately rationalized in the minds of the battle ready Lions as they looked on fiercely. Briefly, Samuel thought to himself then asked the young whelps three questions:

"Shouldn't our battles be without carnality but be spiritual?"

"Shall we not abstain from polluting the land with blood?"

"Also, would you take pride in tasting swines flesh, an unclean beast that thou knowest not to touch?" Asked Samuel.

The Lions were confounded by Samuel's arsenal of questions, as a result; he departed from thence forsaking their counsels and sought counseling with the elders.

Seemingly, Samuel had an idea of what type of "pigs" they were dealing with. Nonetheless, as he turned his attention to the Elders of his kin, the eldest of them whom sat in a chair garnered Samuel's interest.

Ahithophel is a wise and prudent counselor who held a strategic position in their government giving advise in times as these. The wise old sage was approached straitway after carefully listening to the reporting of the sentries.

"Samuel, as in the days of old we're not dealing with warthogs on the plains of the Serengeti as our foreparents." Exclaimed Ahithophel.

"Indeed, Counselor I concur with thee. I have something to confess to you all. I was visited by the LORD and was warned about the coming of pigs." Said Samuel.

This announcement startled the elders and quite frankly caught them off guard.

"Samuel, what else was said onto thee? I beseech thee, share it with us that we may interpret". Cried Ahithophel.

Samuel proceeded to elaborate on his visitation to the elders. He told them everything and exactly what the Angel of the Lord said unto him.

"Behold, thus saith the Lord God the pureness of truth cannot be tainted by odious works of the unclean. My son, be diligent and remember thy law. At the appointed time thine eyes will be opened, wherefore; BEWARE OF PIG., be not afraid for I am with thee."

The elders pondered greatly as Samuel recited the sayings by the Angel of the Lord verbatim. Being perplexed in regards to the warning giving to Samuel, each of them weighed in on the matter.

After the elders weighed in on the matter with great suspicion. All were correct in their diagnosis in some aspect but, when it came time for Ahithophel to speak his wisdom; it tore down the walls of partition between them and leveled the understanding.

"Brothers, is it not written in the book of The Preacher that there's no end of all the people?" Asked Ahithophel.

The Elders looked on wondrously and each nodded their heads in acknowledgment. Ahithophel goes on to say:

"Therefore, there's no new thing under the sun. What is has surely been here before, now brace thyselves; for I will tell thee plainly the true identity of our visitors. These animals are P.I.G.s and not pigs. It's an acronym meaning Pharisee Insidious Group. Remember lads, as the sentries reported; they made mention of the Assideans or Hasideans in either case they're the same Israelite company during the Maccabean Revolt. It is believed that from this sect the Pharisees are direct descendants. It's a sad truth my friends, the evil sect that delivered our Lord and Saviour to Rome are back practicing their written traditions and much more."

The revealing of the true identity of the P.I.G.s startled the elders greatly, whereas; miscellaneous conversations buzzed amongst them. Within that moment, Samuel thought to himself saying:

"This must be by the hand of Tobias Clementine for he has the authority of letting them in."

Secondly, Samuel had a hunch, a suspicion that these "presumable pigs" were porky temptations for consumption but for them to be the Pharisees was definitely a surprise.

"The Lord thy God had delivered onto me a metaphor and elder Ahithophel has revealed it just as the angel of the Lord had promised."

Samuel pondered once more. Then, straitway Samuel said onto Ahithophel:

"Ahithophel, what shall I say onto the people in regard to these abominable animals?"

The wise old lion said onto Samuel saying:

"The people are gathered in the barn. Since the abrupt disturbance and retreat by Tobias has left them in a frenzy. Now we know the plan of the enemy we must act, speak good words of wisdom and comfort. They must be warned. We are at war".


After the wondrous counsel between the elders. An order went forth from Samuel to have the congregation ready. The euphoric buzz from the crowd could be heard even in the quarters of the war room. The wood panel doors and the gated stalls rattled as the crowd shouted for joy. This gladness of victorious chantings were is the mouths of every soul.


"THEY WERE AS A MIGHTY MAN!" Shouted another brethren.


It was pandemonium as well as ecstatic. The joyous assembly worshipped God and praised Samuel greatly for his emphatic triumph over Tobias Clementine. Every man, woman and child sang and shouted with joy and happiness; insomuch, the officers had a hard time settling them down. Malachi was elated also even he joined in the fray of the celebratory bunch. 

       Upon entering the room of the congregation, Jonathan ordered two trumpeters to assemble to the right and left of the altar. At Jonathan's charge they blew their trumpets simultaneously, the load blast echoed throughout the barn and the jubilant crowd's happiness and laughter was gradually suppressed then halted. Samuel and all the elders had already entered the room and was seated. Inwardly, Samuel felt the love deeply from his people, yet he blushed not. His face was hard maintaining his character knowing the importance of the choice words he has to deliver to the congregation. Quietness captured and encompassed the barn from wall to wall; whereas, a drop of a pin could be heard. Samuel arose and faced his brothers and sisters, young and old and addressed them sternly saying:

"PRAISE is a powerful weapon in deliverance and spiritual warfare. As you praise the Lord, things begin to happen in the unseen realm. In the Old Testament, our forefathers didn't have the name of Jesus as a weapon, but they did have praise."


Next, the battle axe General embarked on a swoon-worthy warriors boon in an effort to spark the men of war in the midst of the congregation.

"In ancient times, warriors often sought the favor of God before heading into battle, hoping to receive a boon that would grant them strength, courage, and protection. The warriors would make offerings and prayers to God, evoking the divine powers to aid them in their heroic endeavors. When God was pleased, he would bestow his blessings upon the warriors, granting them extraordinary abilities and a heightened sense of purpose. These boons were believed to imbue the warriors with resilience in the face of adversity, sharpen their skills in combat, and guide their blades to victory on the battlefield. With a warrior's boon bestowed upon them, they would march into battle with unwavering confidence, knowing that they carried the divine favor of God with them." Expressed Samuel triumphantly.

The men of war along with the entire congregation erupted with thunderous cheers after hearing the powerful message by Samuel. The response from the congregation was receptive and it pleased Samuel greatly.


"Brothers, sisters the hour has come for us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Tobias Clementine, our sworn enemy has chronicled a concourse of evil against us. He has brought war to our doorsteps and we must fight the good fight. As I stand before you today, It's been confirmed that some new animals were brought in and they're dispersed throughout the Farm. What kind of animals are they? These are P.I.G.s meaning Pharisee Insidious Group. They may seem harmless but, be aware of them for they mean us no good. Here at Eldritch Farm, it's impossible not to run into them, therefore; inevitably we'll have to parlay with the P.I.G.s or vice-versa but wisely.

       Behold, the P.I.G.s are possessed with devils bread to impose confusion, intertwine irrelevant mischiefs with their treacherous traditions. Family, beware of them they're good for nought. They're the lesser and thou art greater because truth has been freely given unto you. Gird up thy loins and put on the whole armour of God. I cannot and will not promise you this will be easy because all flesh will be tested. This is the condition of the battle brethren, do not waiver and do not falter but keep judgment always to the end." 

"Jonathan!" Cried Samuel

"Yes sir." Replied Jonathan hastily.

"Stand here with me, find Peter's the 2nd chapter and from the 17th verse!" Cried Samuel authoritatively.

Quickly, Jonathan the Armourbearer flipped through the scriptures to Samuel's desired book, chapter and verse. However, before Jonathan started to read Samuel stopped him abruptly saying:

"Hold on Jonathan don't read as yet!" He said with authority.

Samuel looked into the midst of the congregation and said onto them:

"If you can hear me say I"

"I" Shouted the congregation.

"Good, now I want all of you to listen keenly. Jonathan read!" Cried Samuel.

2 Peter 2:17-22

17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.

"Listen to me brothers and sisters I hope you're paying attention this is deep revelations in regard to these demonic P.I.G.s. A dried up well or an empty one will only echo false doctrines carried by the wind being tossed to and fro. A well is supposed to have water, metaphorically; living water which they have not. They're clouds carried away by a storm which leaves you in the midst of darkness or even death. Read!" He exclaimed.

"Verse 18" Said Jonathan.

18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.

"Brothers and sisters no victory can be obtained with speeches of vanity. None, understand that. The devil knows the flesh so through those soft tissues they'll try to penetrate. How? Through much wantonness meaning sinful desires not limited to sexual matters, but filth, wickedness, perversion and other unwelcome suggestive deeds causing you to fall. Those that are clean by the word of God truth shall escape from them, who's the them? The "them" here are those P.I.G.s who live in error.

"Hold on Jonathan, real quick lets get some more understanding in walking in error of your faith." Said Samuel sharply.


Judith 5:20

20 Now therefore, my lord and governor, if there be any error against this people, and they sin against their God, let us consider that this shall be their ruin, and let us go up, and we shall overcome them.

"Family, please remember this history Judith warned us back then and I'm doing the same this day. How important it is to overcome your individual struggles? Time will tell because we're going to be tested." Exclaimed Samuel.

1 Esdras 3:18

18 And he said thus, O ye men, how exceeding strong is wine! it causeth all men to err that drink it:

"As I've mentioned before, we'll have to parlay with the P.I.G.s but, you have to be mindful brothers and sisters. Use wisdom and remember what Micah said about wine. Read! Cried Samuel.

Wisdom of Solomon 12:24

24 For they went astray very far in the ways of error, and held them for gods, which even among the beasts of their enemies were despised, being deceived, as children of no understanding.

"This very precept here brothers and sisters makes me very afraid for I believe that I'll have to revisit it again as I prophesy this day. Can you imagine? Some of you are going to be so deceived in the error of your ways insomuch its going to be held in high esteem as a god! Brethren, all I can do is warn you. Read! Cried Samuel.

Ecclesiasticus 11:16

16 Error and darkness had their beginning together with sinners: and evil shall wax old with them that glory therein.

"People, you see when you're walking in error; understand this, you're walking in darkness. These two sinful benefactors have always had their beginning with sinners and staying in this state not willing to change. Evil shall wax old with them ultimately leading you to death." Said Samuel.

2 Maccabees 2:2-3

2 And how that the prophet, having given them the law, charged them not to forget the commandments of the Lord, and that they should not err in their minds, when they see images of silver and gold, with their ornaments.

3 And with other such speeches exhorted he them, that the law should not depart from their hearts.

"That prophet was Jeremiah he gave them the law, the law, the law and charged them not to forget the commandments and that they should not err in their minds. He exhorted greatly and warned them that the law should not depart from their hearts. Plain and simple. Nevertheless, I know some of you are week in the spirit and will fall due to the wiles of the P.I.G.s but there's hope. Jonathan read James 5:19-20 and I want you all to listen. Cried Samuel.

James 5:19-20

19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;

20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

"A quick precept and a nugget that should be non-negotiable nor neglected in terms of being your brothers keeper in the dark day. Meditate on that. Back to 2 Peter's and verse 19." Said Samuel.

"Yes sir." Replied Jonathan.

2 Peter 2:19

19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

"People don't let these P.I.G.s fool you for we know the Apostle Paul foretold the promises in Romans 9. However, to gain those promises while under grace with the knowledge of truth as you liveth this day with liberty or freedom to keep the commandments. Peter said, they're the servants of corruption and their liberty and promises will overcome you thus leading you into the bondage of sin. Nugget, are ye sons and daughters of the bondwoman or freewoman?

The congregation buzzed with amazement as Samuel laid on the butter. "Read!" Cried Samuel.

"verse 20." Replied Jonathan

20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

"Why did Peter say again? He's warning us and I'm warning you. Some of you will get entangled with the traditions of these P.I.G.s. I'm telling you straight and all I can do is warn you. You know what, Jonathan hold that. I'm going to remind them, the tale of two prophets: Christ and Paul. Give me Matthew 22:15, Galatians 5:1 and 2 Timothy 2:4 and read!"

Matthew 22:15

15 Then went the Pharisees, and

"STOP!" Cried Samuel.

"The who?" Asked Samuel.

"The Pharisees!" Cried Jonathan 

"The who?" Asked Samuel.

"The Pharisees!" Replied Jonathan.

"What did they do? Read!" Cried Samuel.

took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.

"The him here is Christ. Understand that, if they did it to him surely they're going to do it to you. The servant is not above his master! Read!"

The Armourbearer cried:

"This is the Book of Galatians: Chapter 5 and verse 1.

Galatians 5:1

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

O the congregation erupted as the fiery precepts went forth perfectly linking up one after the other. Samuel couldn't even here himself speak the congregation was in a righteous upheaval which electrified the crowd.

"Come brother, read! Cried Samuel.

2 Timothy 2:4

4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

"Brethren, throughout your old paths in your walk of spiritual concourse, take not thy warriors boon for granted. Don't get entangled, intertwined or caught up with any affairs of this life nor any P.I.G.GISH or Pharisean foolishness that may arise. Do good and please the Lord thy God that chose you to be a soldier."

The pandemonium continued some more, insomuch; Samuel had to calm them down for he had a point that he had to make with his people.

"Calm down, calm down brothers and sisters please calm down."

A request by their Bishop to quench the euphoria in the midst of the camp. Once it got quiet enough the onslaught of precepts continued.

"Read!" Cried Samuel.

The Armourbearer cried:

"This is the Book of 2 Peter 2 and verse 21."

21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

"This is a warning to you if you backslide so listen keenly. Read on."

22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

"Why did Peter say it is happened unto them meaning some of you? Simple, it's going to happen. Some of you will not prepare, you're going to be caught off guard being idle. Ultimately dragging you back into the world again as a dog eating his own vomit and the sow or pig being washed returned wallowing with the P.I.G.s in the muddy mire of past sins. Now you've become like them dirty, unclean, without understanding and good for nothing."



Written by Shamgar Israel



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Oct 10, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I still can't believe this person writing all these things and it's linked in the BIBLE!


Jun 04, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

How you came up with a Warriors Boon?????🤔🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Apr 27, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This brother is razor sharp check out The Conductor: 💯💯💯💯


Apr 18, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Can no light shine upon the midst of evil for the day is too bright?



Mar 31, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Blaze the trail, don't stop and ignore the foolishness brother. Shalom

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