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Animal Farm Part 2

Writer's picture: True Hebrew ApparelTrue Hebrew Apparel

Updated: Feb 21, 2023


As Malachi looked to and fro, near and far in the midst of the valley. He admired the multitude of Black and Brown kinsmen parading in a sweet symphonic harmony being together as one, acting as one, for they are one.

"Understand what thou seest?" Asked the Angel.

"No, only if you guide me." Replied Malachi.

"This people are not only thy brethren, they're the inheritance of a noble King soon to come." Said the Angel, he goes on to say:

"It's been times and the dividing of time since the afflicted have been dispersed throughout the nations. Since then, to this very moment, you're standing in the midst of prophecy; this is the great awakening of a people".

Ironically, at first hand; it was hard to believe the things both seen and heard by the Priest. A true testimony of one's fate perhaps, nevertheless; Malachi remained humble throughout the phenomenon of his ordeal.

"O brethren" cried Malachi "What is your purpose?" He asked, then he turned and looked at him with stern austerity and said:

"Fourteen generations have passed in diverse dispensations of time, moreover; this generation shall be the greatest of them all. For the prophecies spoken of the Great One, who died for all and is in all, they shall be marked and sealed by the spirit to them that hear".

Malachi was elated to hear this gospel of the good news.

"Amen. Salvation, is for ALL mankind that believe!" He cried.

"No Malachi, understand thou this; salvation is for Israel!" Exclaimed the Angel of the Lord.

Subsequently, Malachi froze; being shocked in awe at the Lord's stance on salvation. Thinking of the Christianized doctrines that Jeeesus died for the world the Priest proceeded to ask a series of questions.

"Brethren, there's 8 billion people on the earth and GOD chose only this people? "What about everybody else?"

Malachi continued to argue in a debating manner which was quite foolish for he spake of things he knew not. He rambled on and quoted a scripture to the Angel:

Hebrews 9:28

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him

shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

In all his idiocy, he cried:

"See, Christ died for the sins of many, who's the many?"

This religious farce in an attempt to save all mankind was rather stupid to be honest. Who does Malachi think he is? As he began to ramble on once more about unredeemable, unrealistic and unsavable Christian dogmas to no avail. The Angel of the Lord said unto him:

"SILENCE!" Keep your foot in the house of God. Your insolence will not be tolerated, therefore; do not compound them."

"From Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob, the Lord delighted only in the bloodline of your fathers. As for everyone else they're like unto spittle!"  Exclaimed the Angel.

It was at that very moment, it finally hit Malachi's soul as a ton of bricks! The Priest trembled, but inwardly was filled with great skepticism, reservation and  suspicion. For a moment, Malachi pondered the peculiarity of his existence and realized how special he is to God Almighty. Being overly excited he turned towards the valley looking at the multitude of the people and marveled.

The Angel of the Lord goes onto say:

"What is of God is God's and man cannot dissanul."


As Malachi continued to be humble and show more interest of his rich ancestry, consequently; the Angel of the Lord began to teach him. Now word had quickly spread throughout the Farm that Malachi was being taught under the Ash Tree. So they all gathered together to hear the word of the Lord during the cool of the day. It was a day he will not soon to forget. Malachi was a patient man, quite often he listens and pays close attention at all times. This day was no different for the Priest. The uncompromising union of the people startled him, for he had not seen such things his entire life. Well except for the Million Man March, contrariwise; the problem with that was they marched for a million different reasons. Yet, this people are on one accord, one mind and one spirit. The Angel of the Lord raised his right hand, another Angel blew a trumpet halting the jubilant engagement of the brethren. Then, he who held his hand to the heavens proclaimed:

"God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we humbly come before you repenting of our sins. We have sinned against thee and thee only. Remember the covenant of our fathers and be not far from us. Continue to send thy blessings as we're committed to do thy will O Lord. Send a curse upon Eldritch Farm and upon all the heathens that desire to destroy us secretly. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel. Amen."

After the symphonic blowing of the trumpet and prayer, a phenomenon took place before the Priest's eyes that left him speechless. For behold a large book appeared before the Angel which he took and began to read. This voice of utterance was foreign to Malachi for this voice is not prophesied in the congregation of the LORD. Malachi gathered himself and set his mind aright. He leaned towards one of his brethren and asked,"Who is he?" His brethren replied:

"He's the Armourbearer, or Reader and the other is the Teacher although two, they twain are one."

As the brethren taught delving into diverse topics, whereas; multiple prophecies where revealed and rested heavily on the law. For certainty, hearing the prophecies being broken down so eloquently was mindblowing. Afterall, the Angel of the Lord was no Theologian. Therefore, all that Malachi had been taught had to be reformed, root out, and rebuild into a new creature.

       The diverse topics such as circumcision both heart and flesh , color of God, Christ, Angels and ProphetsIdolatry, Witchcraft, Birthdays, The Curses, The Wicked, New Moon, Jews and Greeks and the Sabbath day. Upon hearing these wondrous things inwardly the Priest was cut in the spirit. If Malachi was an earthen vessel he would have been broken to shivers. Momentarily, Malachi examined himself and quickly realized that his previous pastoral priesthood over four decades was built on white supremacist lies.

As for the law, well Malachi thought they were done away.

"Indeed, Christ Jeeesus who wrapped himself in sinful flesh, died and nailed all things to the cross on calvary." 

He foolishly thought to himself, he was about to find out how wrong he was. It was as if the Angel could read Malachi's mind. For shortly thereafter the Teacher said to the Armourbearer.

"Give me Malachi and Matthew followed by the book of Acts."

The Armourbearer reads:

Malachi 2:7

7 For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts.

Quickly and swiftly like a skilled swordsman the Angel of the Lord gave the sense of that script.

"Read Matthews, cried the teacher"

Quickly, the Armourbearer turned the holy pages to Matthew the 5th chapter and cried aloud:

Matthew 5:17

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

"Christ didn't come to destroy nothing of the law or the prophets but to fulfil the things written of him. Then, suddenly the Teacher pointed to Malachi and asked,"

"If Christ fulfilled all things can you commit adultery?"

"No" replied Malachi.

"Can you steal? Asked the Teacher.

"No" replied Malachi

"Can you eat pork?" Asked the Teacher.

"No" replied Malachi hesitantly.

"Why the hesitation?  Asked the Teacher.

"You don't sound too sure. Is it that nothing is to be refused and that ye should just pray over it? He asked.

Malachi began to hold down his head pressing his chin into his chest. The Armourbearer saw the demeanor of his countenance and immediately turned in the holy scriptures and read:

Ecclesiasticus 19:26-27

26 There is a wicked man that hangeth down his head sadly; but inwardly he is full of deceit,

27 Casting down his countenance, and making as if he heard not: where he is not known, he will do thee a mischief before thou be aware.

There was no explanation needed. The understanding of that scripture was immediately rationalized when he heard it. 

Finally, the book of Acts was read:

Acts 3:18

18 But those things, which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

Then the Angel calmingly spake onto Malachi and said:

"Brethren is it not clear unto thee that those things prophesied about our Lord who came and died for his people?"

In an honest and moonlit response the Priest received those sayings and said:

"I'm ashamed and confounded please excuse my ignorance." He said somberly.

The Armourbearer preceded to turn the holy pages and he reads:

1 Esdras 8:74-75

74 I said, O Lord, I am confounded and ashamed before thy face;

75 For our sins are multiplied above our heads, and our ignorances have reached up unto heaven.

"Without the knowledge of the LORD all will and shall be confounded and brought to shame. Thy sins have been multiplying due to your ignorance and have reached the heavens. Therefore, choose ye this day and return to the laws, statutes and commandments which is required saith the LORD." Exclaimed the Teacher.

Yet as the lengthening of the cords stretched longer, the true words spoken became clearer evermore as the Angel of the Lord reasoned with Malachi. The self will to subdue his own understanding began to be paramount. Quite obviously, he couldn't gainsay an "Angel" for whatsoever things he was guilty of there was guilt. His conscience was weighty and too laborious to carry wrestling against the Lord. Surrendering his will to continue striving against the Lord was inevitable.


As Malachi continued to humble himself and being a good listener. The teachings thereof became more intriguing. It was as if he became a child again. Now he began to listen more intently for his brethren was speaking on the topic of death. The wages thereof, the issues thereof and how precious it is in the sight of the Lord. As he listens to the various precepts on both first and second death with sin being their underlying factor, at that very moment; the Angel asked Malachi a question.

"Brethren, what is sin?" He asked.

"Sin is a trespass against good." He replied.

"Well, what exactly is good according to God?" Asked the Angel.

"Anything holy and righteous, life and prosperity." Replied Malachi.

The Armourbearer knowing what the Teacher wanted he therefore turned in the Bible and began to read:

1 John 3:4

4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

After hearing this, Malachi began to speak:

"Pardon me brethren, since sin is the breaking of God's law. What law did my Martha break that caused her to die?"

"Which law in the Bible!? He cried.

"For I was told the cause of her death was unknown!" He cried again.

Presently, the congregation stood in silence as the tension grew thicker by Malachi's emotional strain. Insomuch, no one said a word, it was dead silent. This was short lived, reason being; a loud fart sounded off in the midst thereof that momentarily startled, shuffled and sniffled the noses of the surrounding men. A light breeze naughty by nature, ruffled the leaves tossing them gently and whisking it away. Being anxious to hear their response he looked at the Armourbearer and Teacher, in return; they looked at him. The pages were not turning. Malachi thought for a moment that he might have overstepped his boundaries. Afterall, his question was honest and of a pure conscience. It was a tense moment, their faces were hard as flint for there was no fiddling with the Angels. Shortly thereafter, the Angel of the Lord said unto him:

       "Since the marital joining unto thy spouse on June 8, 1981 that was honorable. Although being ignorant of the commandments of God, thou has made a series of sacrifices in upholding a healthy marriage which was honorable also. You've provided for her, loved and cared for her even through her illnesses. The Lord thy God even blessed her womb whereas she bore three children for thee. In summary Malachi, you were a good husband. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about your former wife Martha. She was an impudent, shameless and morally unrestrained woman. She's impudent for she showed very little respect towards you whenever she never got her way. She wanted to be the head of the household: making ill-advised credit decisions creating needless, numerous debts getting predatory usury loans. She's shameless in more ways than one. Her promiscuous sins spans more than a decade throughout your marriage. As far as you know, she's being pregnant three times as mentioned earlier. Sadly, she has been pregnant five other times with multiple partners and has four abortions saving one child. This said-same child, who's now a man; is he who referred you to The Clementine's job posting."


"No, God does not do that towards the children of disobedience, he judges them and laughs at their calamity. Understand ye this thou brethren, Martha's desires was not towards you. She defiled herself, dishonored and betrayed you in the sight of God Almighty which is far worst. She showed abrasiveness continuously and refrained not from her youthful lusts. She constantly and systematically deviates from her marital union chasing YOLO heterodoxies.

Many times she could've repented from her evils but the lust of her fleshly desires and silliness consumed her as she doted upon her paramours dying a premature death."

The Armourbearer turned to the 25th chapter of Ecclesiasticus and reads:

Ecclesiasticus 25:1-2

1 In three things I was beautified, and stood up beautiful both before God and men: the unity of brethren, the love of neighbours, a man and a wife that agree together.

2 Three sorts of men my soul hateth, and I am greatly offended at their life: a poor man that is proud, a rich man that is a liar, and an old adulterer that doateth.

The Teacher began to elaborate on the scriptures read and said unto Malachi:

"In the beginning, when the institution of marriage was ordained in the garden between your foreparents Adam and Eve. It's a beautiful thing in the eyes of the Lord our God. Secondly, when Martha was married to you; the old adultress spirit never left her. Year after year, time after time she played the harlot and the Lord thy God killed her. To say that the heavens was displeased with her whoredoms is an understatement."

The Teacher looked at the Reader, whereas; he stayed in the same book going back two chapters to Ecclesiasticus 23 and read the wickedness of Martha's life:

Ecclesiasticus 23:22-26

22 Thus shall it go also with the wife that leaveth her husband, and bringeth in an heir by another.

23 For first, she hath disobeyed the law of the most High; and secondly, she hath trespassed against her own husband; and thirdly, she hath played the whore in adultery, and brought children by another man.

24 She shall be brought out into the congregation, and inquisition shall be made of her children.

25 Her children shall not take root, and her branches shall bring forth no fruit.

26 She shall leave her memory to be cursed, and her reproach shall not be blotted out.

For a brief moment, upon hearing these words of God unknown to the Priest. He stood quietly for a moment as thoughts of Martha flooded his mind. Once, a burning desire to know what had happened to his beloved Martha now felt bitter. The beauty of her visage that populated his mind slowly became ugly and the face of evil. Immensely, it hurt one would assume, nevertheless; who's to be blamed? Quite obviously, Martha compounded her offenses evermore. Malachi reflected on how she refused to yield constantly adding sin to sin, being pregnant multiple times and having a child by another man ultimately heaping up wrath onto herself. He also realized the pattern of her evils works finally made sense. She always had to go to Florida to see her "mother" and meeting with "old friends" she ran into at the supermarket or other "miscellaneous outings". Her unannounced and unplanned "vacation getaways" suddenly became clear of the evils of her extra marital engagements.

       As he stood there and looks off into space as a lifeless vessel, Malachi pondered more about Martha's whorish ways. He wondered how he had been so clueless about this demon, the years lost being adjoined to this faithless and worthless piece of trash. Although meaningless, his thoughts continued to wrestle with the idea and concept of marriage being obliterated aimlessly by her injurious and pernicious ways. A presumable possession, taken by oath and polluted by her ruinous behavior. An unproven friend wedded for her beauty, laden with sins and diverse lusts. Such was her life, a wasteful life of a dead damsel. Regrettably, this was the Martha he had so married.

       Shortly thereafter, simultaneous mood swings taunted him like a ravenous beast ripping and tearing his spirit to shreds. He became light-headed as his mind drifted into a realm of nothingness. His knees buckled and began to waiver by weakness. He shuffled his feet to gain a steady footing for it seemed as if the earth shifted beneath him. He waivered slightly and noticeably like a fig tree about to toss it's untimely fruit. His body trembled, his heartbeat pounded faster, breathing heavily and sweating tremendously. At that very moment, his brethren; surrounded him and one said unto him:

"Fret not thyself, O brethren your worrisome behavior is displeasing to the Lord thy God. Therefore, put off that weak nature for thou are a chosen vessel unto the Lord thy God. If Martha was standing here today she would remain rebellious and dishonest".

Straitway The Armourbearer turned to the book of proverbs and reads:

Proverbs 30:20

20 Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.

Although plain, his brethren gave the understanding thereof to Malachi. Next, the Angel said unto him:

"Malachi, the eyes of the LORD are tens of thousands beholding all things."

As he spake, a vision appeared before him showing the Priest's past in sundry times.

On the seventh day of the week, breakfast was being prepared notably scrambled eggs, bacon and toast served with a bed of hash. Orange juice and his favorite decaf coffee was also served. Upon seeing these visions of times past, Malachi's peered upon Martha's beauty as she moved about the kitchen doing her wifely duties. As Malachi sees himself entering the seen he remembers that day as if it was yesterday.

"That day I was preparing to go down to Latterman's Furniture gallery to enquire about the new dining table set they had." He said with great excitement.

       He entered, sat and ate his breakfast. They spoke not one to another as she washed the dishes gazing out the window being lost in the deepness of her deliberations. The radio could be heard from the adjacent room to which Malachi hummed as Cece Winans sang her heart out. The duo were diametrically opposed to each other as Malachi was about to discover in this vision. As the clinging and clanging of the tableware continued along with the humming from Malachi, Martha rolled her eyes in the back of her head and pouted her mouth.

       It was a jaw dropping moment for Malachi. Presently, anger mixed with speechlessness were the under tones of his countenance as he looked on. The pretty layers of a bad onion began to peel back layer-by-layer revealing the demon she truly is. Next, Martha dropped the sponge in the sink and with her back turned she said unto him:

"Could you hurry up and go to Latterman's before the crowd gets there!"

"AND, you need to stop at Kmart and buy me a traveling bag. I'm going to Florida this week for a couple days!" She Exclaimed.

"OK, you don't have to be a grouch about it."

Replied Malachi softly and jokingly.

She turned and looked at him with a disdainful glare which he had not seen due to inattention from eating his meal. Nevertheless, the humming, the clinging and clanging of the utensils continued harmoniously as he nodded and tapped his feet to the songs melodic traits. Finally, after finishing the last morsels of his meal, he excused himself from the table and gave Martha a kiss. Gently, he hugged her and expressed his eternal love for her. Whereas, she looked at him and batted her cumbrellas at him. O Lord have mercy, Malachi melted like butter in a frying pan. Looking into the depths of her dazzling eyes as if he's in a trance.

Next, his eyes gazed sharply round about her hour-glass shaped body which was curvy as the country roads of Alabama. His hands traversed the contours of her body caressing her smooth, soft and supple skin which was freshly lotioned. Her aroma was tantalizing, her fruity and flowery sweet smelling perfume filled his nostrils which excites notions of nostalgia. Then, he looked upon her ample bosom which were perfectly round and her mammary glands stood as soldiers.

"A winner!"

Malachi thought to himself, but little did he know; he was betting against a damn loser.

"Baby, when I get back I'm going to rock your boat!" He whispered in her ear.

"My boat will be docked and will not sail without you!" She professed!

"Go to Latterman's and Kmart dear and I'll see you later." She said seductively.

Malachi departed shortly thereafter and Martha wasted no time. First, she turned off the radio. Secondly, she stood by the window and watched as he drove away. Quickly, she picked up the phone and calls a goody-two-shoes, radiologist who works at Montgomery Medical Center.

Eight minutes later, a car pulls into the driveway, a mysterious, misguided man emerges, approached the front door and rings the doorbell. Martha made haste and rushed to the door dressed in an all black lingerie. She opens the door to her lover: Heath Mashburne who's still wearing his scrubs.

"Hey baby, I don't have a lot of time so let's make this quick." Said Heath.

Swiftly, they ran into each others arms and routinely entangled themselves in a disgraceful, disgusting and devious act of evil in another man's house. Like clockwork, when done the sheets were changed, they kissed goodbye and he reminded her to check the P.O. Box as he departed.

"Ok, I will." She replied.

She waited ten minutes or so after his departure before going to the post office. Upon her arrival, she searched frantically through her purse for the key to her mailbox. Once found, P.O. Box number 336 was opened. This is where Martha kept all her love letters, plane tickets, post cards and pictures of her son she had out of wedlock and proof of pregnancy results. In this box, tickets for two on a Caribbean Cruise was newly deposited by the clerk mailed from Heath Mashburne himself. Her eyes sparkled with happiness and excitement about the new adventurous destination on the horizon. Immediately, she wrote back a letter to Heath saying:

The timing couldn't be better. Unknowingly, this was Martha's last hey-day. Two weeks later Malachi went to the arrival in Kentucky and Martha conjured up an excuse not to attend and be by her husband's side. Instead, she went aimlessly, blindly, dishonorably, hastily and foolishly on a Caribbean Cruise with her lover Heath Mashburne. When she returned, one day before Malachi's trip to Kentucky ended. All seemed to be ok. She made her way to the post office to store her newly begotten photos with Heath Mashburne of course and miscellaneous souvenirs she had bought safely away in her deposit box.

       Soon after, a heavy tediousness sets in she suddenly felt extremely tired. As a result, she went home and took a shower. Afterwards she sat on the bed and thanked God for a safe return home. Gingerly, Martha slowly crawled under the sheets as her eye lids became heavy. She yawned and stretched whereas her joints popped. Lying comfortably falling asleep was inevitable. Then suddenly, she quickly sat up in the bed with hers eyes wide open looking at the wall facing the bed as if someone or something stood their. Her voice quivered immensely with fear and trembling. She started to backpedal in the bed until she hits the headboard. The phenomenon of Martha's ordeal was irrefutably remarkable and bizarre. She started to throw punches at thin air as she screams!





The fearful countenance of her expression could scare legions of devils. Her eyes bulged out even so as the frightening encounter plagued her tremendously. She stared as if she was staring at someone. It was the Angel of Death! His appearance was dreadful to look upon. At his side, he had a great sword that he began to pull from his sheath slowly. The length thereof was 7ft which he pointed towards fright smitten Martha. With her mouth wide open and scared out of her witts she let out a bloodcurdling scream as her eyes rolled over and she fell over dead!

"Know ye this also brethren!" Cried the Teacher.

Ecclesiasticus 25:24

24 Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.

"Of a truth, since the beginning by the woman sin came into the world. Your forefather Adam was not deceived but the woman was in the transgression. For the LORD thy God created man to be immortal in his expressed image for all eternity. Behold dear brethren be at peace. Martha sinned and cast not away the multitude of her transgressions, sinning onto death and went to her own place."


Now Malachi spent the entire day with his brethren being taught, receiving a spiritual baptism that rejuvenated his spirit. At times, though it may have been a little harsh and overwhelming for him, nevertheless; he took it manfully. It was approximately 4:07 PM at that very moment when Malachi looked at his watch. With bulging eyes almost popping from their sockets due to the extended time that had past while he spoke with the brethren. Hours had gone by very easily and quickly.

"I never felt this overwhelmed with happiness in the midst of flocks of men!"

Said Malachi with a cheerful countenance. For all his former water baptismal inaugural preceding, he had not seen the likes of such things throughout his entire ministry.

"It's time that I get back inside, I feel a little tired." Said Malachi.

"Very well then," said the Angel.

Malachi started walking back towards Eldritch Manor accompanied by the Angels of the Lord. A sure top security escort as you could imagine free of charge. It was no sweat of course they were expressing brotherly love and charity. Step-by-step getting closer to the Clementine's residence the Priest pondered upon the teachings by his brethren as the culture shock lingered. Upon reaching the back porch of the Eldritch residence, Malachi climbed slowly the three flights of stairs whereas he stood for a moment. Shortly after he turned slowly and looked upon his brethren and said:

"Why did you come to me as animals showing yourselves as beasts?"

"We thought you would never asked!" Cried the Angel.

The scriptures was opened up to the book of the Preacher and he cried:

Ecclesiastes 3:18

18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.

Upon hearing these words he received it with joy and proceeded to sit down in the lounge chair on Clementine's porch. Once their, within minutes; his head slumped and he was out like a light.


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Oct 10, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Martha is madness as hell!


Jul 26, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The pretty layers of a bad onion began to peel back layer-by-layer revealing the demon she truly is. The minute he went threw that door!!


Jun 04, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Replied Malachi softly and jokingly..

Proverbs 15:1

[1]A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Only if I knew this👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾simple cure for headaching arguments smh!


May 22, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Next, his eyes gazed sharply round about her hour-glass shaped body which was curvy as the country roads of Alabama. 😅🤣😂

Jun 04, 2024
Replying to

Them curves will kill you though


May 22, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Martha rolling her eyes 🤣

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