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Animal Farm Part 1

Writer's picture: True Hebrew ApparelTrue Hebrew Apparel

Updated: Feb 19, 2023

Old Tobias Clementine had a farm. The Eldritch Farm, nested in the North country where it dwells. Proudly it sits as a fair lady on a throne. It's surrounded by rolling hills, meadows, grassy lands mingled with thick clay. O how that land budded and blossomed through the vast riches of its times. The farm was prosperous. As it so did, Tobias Clementine sought to expand his farm above all the other farms. Cunningly a farm, relegated by deceit; Old Tobias Clementine nicknamed "Tubby" was no saint but indeed a ruthless huckster. For the farm was a farm but not a farm but a zoo. For he had not purchased the land lawfully but stole it from the natives. Nevertheless, Tobias Clementine claimed it was handed down from his forefathers he so declared. As time passes as the east wind; this farmer builded and he builded some more while putting up fenced territories as bulwarks and garrisons.

O Tobias Clementine had a reason for his hard work he had so done. For he was expecting new animals from the cargo ships which sailed from Africa. O the Roebuck, he had plenty which resided with the Donkeys and Buffalos just beyond the goodly Ash Trees. The Wolves came in their packs, he marveled at the size and strength of the arriving Rhinos, but; the Lions he greatly admired. For he swore that he'll break their teeth and as a domesticated cat they shall be unto me. "Who shall rouse him up?" He arrogantly said, as the herding of the animals were gathered to their quarters: The Wolves howled, Lions roared and the Rhinos exercised stubbornness. Tobias Clementine yelled at the Animals with contempt, hatred and spitefulness. Though armed with a whip, he shot a bullet in the air and all obeyed and feared as if a curse had befallen them. All fell under Tobias Clementine's submission in a strange land; they were as lost sheep.

Prosperity wasn't anything new under the sun to Old Tobias Clementine. Things went on as usual never skipping a beat as his pomp exceeded more and more abundantly. O how Tobias Clementine's farm prospered and prospered. In so much, Tobias Clementine outfitted his entire farm with state-of-the-art equipment, machinery and discovered new avenues to further the success of his enterprise. Tobias Clementine created a niche in the Air BnB marketplace. Whereas, he began to host vacation stays, weddings and birthday celebrations. Tobias Clementine was indeed a Christian, a proud Methodist, not overly religious but he was no High Priest.

"Someone with the proper title for the office of a priest is needed", the Farmer said to himself.

So he placed an Ad by the gate of his farm and likewise in the local newspaper. The turnaround was immediate! Within a few days calls came in enquiring of the newly listed position. Many called, few were chosen for an interview. Some were old and some were young but Old Tobias Clementine wanted someone with age and experience. After sifting through the myriad of potential candidates, none were to his liking. Days and weeks went by without hiring a priest. Seemingly, Tobias' hopes and aspirations began to turn upside down. Then one day, Tobias Clementine received a call from one of his past interviewees and was startled by his message. The interviewee had recommended a priest and friend who was retired but could use some extra income. He's a good man, he'll help you turn things right side up; proclaimed the interviewee. Tobias Clementine was happy about the news and prepared an interview the very next day.

In comes, Priest Malachi Matthews; a swarthy woolly-haired man, three score ten years old retiree and a southerner from Montgomery, Alabama. "Hmm," Old Tobias Clementine said to himself; scrolling down the priest's resume pointing with his finger as his glasses hanged from the tip of his nose. The Farmer, briefly glanced at the Priest over the bridge of his glasses as he waited patiently then said unto him.

"You've got quite the collection of degrees and served as a pastor for forty years at the Holy Trinity Baptist Church".

"Oh yes" the Priest replied, "during my faithful walk with Jeeesus, I've managed to save over 5,000 souls throughout my ministry," he added.

"Very well then, the position is yours" said Tobias Clementine, "you can start as early as tomorrow."

"O wonderful and thank you sir, I accept," the Priest replied. They shook hands and departed.


The very next day, the Priest showed up to work as agreed. He overheard some verbal squabbles between Tobias Clementine and some guests.

"Malachi are you there?" Tobias Clementine shouted with an asserted happiness in his voice.

"Malachi, Malachi can you hear me?"

"Yes, Mr. Clementine I'm here," the Priest replied.

"Come on into my office I'd like you to meet our guests."

Subsequently, Priest Malachi Matthews moved with haste and entered the office and behold. Tobias Clementine was accompanied with two sodomites. Tobias Clementine preceded to introduce the two men to the Priest.

"This is Larry and Wade they're the first couple to be wed on the farm. Isn't this exciting?"

Inwardly, the Priest was shocked and amazed. He therefore smiled and nodded his head.


After a long days work at the farm prepping and scheduling for the upcoming wedding. The Priest was very tired, so he went home. The Priest lived a few miles away from the farm, therefore; he was home within 25 minutes. He drove his usual route whereas, his car never went beyond the posted speed limit. He turned on his indicator signaling a right turn on Deuteronomy Dr an old historic district where poverty stricken residents resides. The next block, 15th Street is a clear warning beyond that point; for there began the inner city ghettos. The next block was 16th Street famous for drugs, crime, gangs and section 8 buildings. The next block, 17th Street had liquor stores, mom and pop stores stiffled by lack of economic sustainability.

As he drives on passing through the degradation of the city. A series of green lights illuminated the streets for several blocks, gently; he accelerated through them. Cruising pass the 28th and 29th Street rather quickly, he gazed at the oppressed sleepers that go up and down the block groping in the dark. A few blocks later he caught a red light at 48th Street. This said-same street intersected Commerce Ave, a marketplace that featured a local bank, grocery store, fast food eateries, a gas station and a coin laundry. A familiar place to the Priest for there he does his shopping and other miscellaneous activities for the want of all things. Light after light as he moves on, Malachi turned the radio on to help soothe his conscience. Unfortunately, that was no help; the channels were a bore as he cycled through a series of stations Punk Rock, Rap, Pop, Alternative, News, News more News, Dance Music then he turned the radio off.

Approaching 61st Street, to this left was Montgomery Medical Center; otherwise known as: "Monty Medical" by the locals. Seeing that place, instantaneously; sorrowful memories plagued him seeing the cursed conditions of his people diagnosed with various types of diseases. He came to a slow halt as he approached 65th Street, MPS; Montgomery Police Station and Courthouse. This place was also familiar to the Priest for he performed jury duty at the court, ministered to prisoners and at times this place often was marched upon due to racial injustices. "This place provides no ease, voting for the right candidate should change things" he said to himself and continued. Turning right onto Freedom Parkway, he drove on it two miles to Prophecy Ave; where he turned left. It was as a quiet Sunday stroll slow and easy. It was almost sundown as the sun kissed the cityscape horizon in Montgomery. He approached Chronicles St and turned right for eight miles then another right unto Lamentation Rd where he resided.

He pulled into his driveway, sat and pondered on the days work he had accomplished. With a soft sigh, he exited the car, checked his mailbox and to no surprise; he removed envelopes of bills. He slammed the mailbox door shut and went into his home. Slowly and sorrowfuly he looked at the crucifix on his wall and immediately began to cry. "O Martha, what shall I do?" He cried to his diseased spouse for he was a widower. The Priest prayed and prayed calling out to God as if there would be an immediate answer. Sadly, there was none as if he asked amiss; for there's unknown-unknowns and known-unknowns hidden from the wise and prudent. Seemingly, this is a result of fighting in a war of ignorance. Once a young man, now old and for the first time he struggles with this new age religion and its modernism. Being vexed in the spirit and feeling hungry yet he did not eat. The goodly meats with cucumbers and leeks were substituted for a hot cup of his favorite decaf coffee. He watched one hour of television, showered, brushed his teeth, then retired to his bed.


Back at the Farm, Old Crooked Clementine was wide awake burning the midnight oil by reviewing the multitude of his wedding contracts, birthday events and vacation stays. O he rubbed his hands and smiled with a huge grin spanning from cheek-to-cheek.

Then suddenly, there was a noisome skirmish outside. Quickly, Tobias jumped out of his chair, ran to his gun safe and grabbed his Smith and Wesson rifle. He then cautiously called his wife "Daphne, Daphne!" Unfortunately, Mrs. Clementine replied not for she's fast asleep. "Drats!" He said bitterly, then; with great care, he approached the back door which faced the outer most part of the farm. He, being troubled with anxiety, slowly moved the curtain and looked through the glass window of the door. He looked left, then right and looked left again but saw nothing or no one for that matter. The sound of animals skirmishing traveled through the cool of the night's air piercing the thick darkness of the night. The Farmer, being an aged man, his eyes permitted him from seeing things in the distance. So with great care, Old Tobias Clementine unlocked his door, opened it and went outside to investigate. He navigated through his well furnished patio and walked down three flights of stairs. As he walked unto the cold wet grass, he suddenly realized he was barefooted. He muttered cursings within himself, cocked his rifle and continued towards the skirmishes echoed yonder.

As Old Clementine crept closer and closer towards the noise, the oil lamp handle being old and rusty, squeaked with each step Tobias took. The noise became louder which indicates the Old Farmer was very close. He could hear the roars of Lions, the stumpings of the Rhinos, the braying of Donkeys and the howling Wolves. There was a great big barn in the midst of the farm that Old Tobias Clementine had built. The lights of which were on as well.

"I thought I turned off those lights" Tobias said to himself. He proceeded towards the barn nestled in the valley and noticed that the walls of partions that separated the animals were all broken down. This infuriated the Farmer, his light-footed steps began to trample and his breathing became heavier. At his arrival at the barn, Tobias Clementine did not enter through the barn doors. Instead, the Old Farmer tippy-toed on the left-side of the barn. For there was a trough beneath a window that he could climb unto and look inside. With arthritis filled fingers, Tobias Clementine reached for the window sill and dragged himself up unto the trough. What Tobias saw next, he could not believe; for his old eyes saw animals, animals of all sorts. He stood upon the trough in total shock being careful not to fall. His bulging eyes beheld the animals in what seemed to be a controlled uproar. After looking at the multitude of the animals and other animals of its kind. He noticed that they were not fighting but in unison looking towards the east. Next, their was a Great and Majestic Lion that stood on top a stack of hay. As the Lion roared thunderously, the animals shew obeisance and reciprocated with their native noises.

"What sorcery is this?" Tobias Clementine said to himself.

Then, a gust of wind blew upon the Old Farmer which startled him, it was swift and cold upon his lightly covered members. He sniffled and let out an echoing sneeze causing him to sumutaneously fall into the trough, dropped his lamp and accidentally firing off a round. The animals began to run out of the barn, as a migrating stampede across the plains of the saranghetti. When the stampede was over, there was not a sound to be heard. All the animals returned to there quarters and Old Tobias Clementine was left lying unconscious in the trough.


Danny Crockett, a friend and neighbor to the Clementine's from Hebron Farm stopped by. He rang the doorbell and knocked, rang the doorbell and knocked again. For a stretch of maybe a minute or so he yelled "Tubby, are you in there?" Then suddenly, Mrs. Clementine flung open the door.

"My goodness gracious Danny what's all the racket?"

"O Daphne, my sincere apologies; I thought I'd stop by to check on Tobias making sure everything was ok. Afterall, late last night I heard a gunshot echoed."

"Is that so?" Replied Mrs. Clementine being absolutely clueless about last night's incident.

"Well, where's Tubby? Is he not inside with you?" asked Danny Crockett.

"Come to think of it, no; I haven't seen nor heard of him at all" replied Mrs. Clementine.

With assertedness Danny Crockett told Mrs. Clementine to check the garage and meanwhile he'll search the barn. As he said so they both scampered off looking for Tobias. Moments later, as they searched; a horn blew and it was Wes Marsden from Smithfield Farm.

"Howdy neighbor" shouted Wes towards Daphne who was searching frantically in one of the two bay garage.

"I heard a gunfire late last night, a single shot was fired; is everything alright?"

"O my goodness" cried Mrs. Clementine "There was a gunshot, I was asleep and he's nowhere to be found"

"What? I beg your pardon!" said Wes with great empathy. Then suddenly, a shout came from the barn "OVER HERE, I'VE FOUND HIM." Without hesitation, both Mrs Clementine and Wes Marsden bolted towards the barn. Upon there arrival, they were met with an astonishing sight. The Farmer, Old Tobias Clementine who had slipped and knocked his nogging the night before was laid in the trough covered with animal feases, urine, feathers and hay.

"O my word, what happened here?" said Wes Marsden.

"I don't know" said Danny Crockett replying hesitantly.

"Is he alive?" said Mrs. Clementine

"His hand, his hand is moving" cried Danny Crockett.

"Quickly, give me a hand and let's lift him out the trough and Daphne call the ambulance!"

Ten minutes later, the ambulance could be heard in the distance as the siren screams hurrying towards Eldritch Farm.

"O hold on dear, everything will be ok, we'll get you to the hospital soon" said Mrs. Clementine.

Now Wes being startled by the grotesque conditions of his fellow neighbor.

"He can't go to the Hospital looking like this"

"He looks atrocious!" Exclaimed Wes.

"You're right Wes" said Danny. "Get the hose"

Wes made a dash for the garden hose, turning the tap all the way and sprayed Tobias with a deluge of water. He awoke right away and flustered like a fish out of water. Gasping for his breathe, he shouted "The animals, the animals, O Daphne the a-ni-mals!"

Before the Old Farmer now drenched with water could give a clear explanation of what happened the ambulance showed up. Once their, the wound to his head was dressed, they lifted him onto the gurney, put on a respirator and took him to Bethesda Hospital. Not "Monty Medical", this was a more prestigious Hospital on the other side of town for clients such as Tobias Clementine himself. Shortly after the departure of the ambulance. Priest Malachi Matthews drove into the yard. Mrs. Clementine greeted him and introduced him to Danny and Wes, then; they briefed him on what happened. Mrs. Clementine being a little worried about Tobias she immediately got into her car and gave a charge to Malachi for him to overlook the farm while she's away. Now Danny Crockett and Wes Marsden needing to attend to their own farms, percieved that things should be well now that Tobias got helped and both agreed to visit him later. Mrs. Clementine honked her horn and the two farmers got into their respective vehicles and left.


"O my word, what the hell is going on in this place?" The Priest muttered to himself. Briefly, he stood there for a moment looking at the trail of dust being kicked up behind the moving vehicles of the departed parties. Presently, a cloak of deliriousness was upon his countenance being agitated by the discomforting experience that befallen Mr. Clementine. "Poor old geezer" he said sorrowfuly, subsequently; he dismissed it and relegated Tobias Clementine's misfortunes were caused by himself for doing too much for his age. By this time, the cars he stood watching disappeared in the distance and at that moment Malachi went into the The Clementine's residence and closed the door behind him.

Now, for the first time Malachi Matthews was alone at Eldritch Farm. He couldn't help to notice how massive the Clementine's residence was. Afterall, being fairly new on the job, an elderly man and of course a Priest, surely this can be no harder task than ever before. (It's not maidens work or groundskeeping). These of course were thoughts bouncing around inside his head. So he began to look around a bit at the vast art collections the Clementine's accumulated over the years. Family portraits dressed the walls throughout the common area, a dramatic wroth iron spiral staircase greets the entry way leading up the Clementine's chamber accompanied by a elegant mid-century style chandelier. The Clementine's were rather a peculiar bunch in regards to taste and design. Nonetheless, no expense was spared in the craftsmanship of Eldritch Farm, it featured a vast collection of custom made furniture, very few were bought from local furniture galleries for it may have been below the standards of Mr. and Mrs. Clementine's expectations.

This main house on Eldritch Farm had approximately eight bedrooms and ten bathrooms. Additionally, a full sized gym, banquet room, a library, a sauna, a wine cellar, a theater, a swimming pool, a gourmet kitchen and an office. That said-same office Malachi was already familiar with his first day on the job. However, there was something he hadn't noticed earlier being lost in the conversations between himself and Tobias' flamboyant guests. This enigmatic spectacle was a large wooden door which features an array of illustrious carvings. At its center, there was a metal crest with the EF letters embossed in it signifying Eldritch Farm. It's handle was of goodly metal work of brass, excellent craftsmanship and very noticeable to the eye. Simultaneously, being impressed and overly excited; Malachi reached forth his right hand and took hold of the handle to test it's rigidity, quality and feel. Pulling and tugging rather gently, the door appeared to be locked. Unknowingly, taking no thought of his actions, he inadvertently pulled the handle slightly in the opposite direction and to his amazement there was a click and the door opened. Although partially opened, it was more than enough to peak the Priest's interest to enter therein.

       Nonchalantly, he looked behind him, "There's no one here you idiot!"

He said to himself, then; he turned facing the partially opened door and pushed it. Slowly, it swung open and it was dark inside. The Priest stepped inside and felt for the switch and discovered a hidden trophy room. The walls had the heads of deers, tigers, moose, bears with fourteen elephant tusks. Tobias Clementine was indeed a mighty hunter in his younger days. There was no animal it seemed he had not hunted, shot and killed. The pleather of heads, teeth and tusks were more and more evident everywhere he looked. Adding to this, it got even more interesting as Tobias had installed motion LED lights that illuminated when movements are detected.

"O my God in heaven"

The Priest exclaimed, gazzing at the ceiling which had a replica of the Sistine Chapel painted unto it. (Swipe Left)

"What the hell, this shit is something else"

Said the Priest in utter amazement as he walked being simultaneously amused at the displays of this room. Carefully he moved through the room making sure not to knock anything over. Nocticeably, certain part of the walls had heads of animals mixed with hunter portraits of Tobias' younger self, Jesus Christ, Biblical Prophets, Ronald Reagan, Elvis Presley, The Beatles and Mona Lisa. Other paintings he saw was admired and kept moving along. I mean, Malachi Matthews was a "Priest" and no "art expert". He wouldn't recognize a Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt, Claude Monet, Raphael or Andy Warhol if he saw it; and Tobias Clementine had them all.

       Upon approaching the back of the trophy room, there was a desk and the Priest wondered after it greatly being intrigued by its intricacies. The desk was grand, made of mahogany and its legs were like unto lions feet. Surrounding the desk were the full bodied animals of lions, wolves, rhinos, buffalos, deers, tigers, leopards, moose, elks, elephants, bears, a giraffe and they all faced the grand desk as if they gave the attention to whoever sat there. Above the high-back swivel leather chair on the wall their hanged three heads, in the center; a lion, to its left a wolf and on the right a rhino. In a richly filled room of paintings and relics, Malachi immediately forgot of those things as he marveled with great admiration about this desk. Being thoroughly intrigued, Malachi decided to sit around the desk to get the feeling of what it's like.

As he so did, his hand caressed the engraved details of the desk and its custom-made wroth iron handles. On the desk, there was a computer, rollodex, Newton's cradle and a noticeably thick book. Although upside down, it's cover had elaborate writings thereof with the numbers one six one one below it, at this moment; the limited inquisitions possessed by Malachi was out the window. He reached for the book, spun it around to open it and simultaneously hitting the computers mouse. The screen lights up. Nothing extraordinary here it may seem to the natural eye but Malachi paid close attention. He stretched his neck above the computer looking towards the entrance for a quick glance, swallowed his mucus and began to search. As he opens and closes miscellaneous files of bidding contracts, bank statements and court despositions.

"Damn, rich people got problems too?"

Exclaimed Malachi in outer amusement. Then he noticed a series of files:

H.A.B.O.S., Notice of Name Change, Crossbreed Hybridization and Eldritch Farm Memoir.

Not knowing which to choose he made a random selection and opt to read the Eldritch Farm Memoir. Suddenly, there was a change of heart as he looked upon the multitude of the animals in Clementine's trophy room.

Hastily, at the changing of his mind; he double clicked the file: Crossbreed Hybridization. It opens. The details there of were vast and far beyond it's perceived definition. In it, Tobias Clementine gives strategic details of the care and well being of the animals.

"This is absolute madness, witchcraft and an abomination!"

Cried the Priest at the findings of Tobias' file.

"He's insane, radically insane!"

He goes on to say as he reads on. At the end of reading this file, he sighed and shook his head. He proceeded to open the next file, this time was the H.A.B.O.S. file which was a acronym for Hybrid Animal Bill of Sale. This said-same file had the listing of paying clienteles both foreign and domestic. Not only that, it lists their organizations, phone numbers, account numbers, amounts paid with charitable donations from various foundations.

Next, was the Eldritch Farm Memoir.

It was as if time had stopped, dumbfounded by the findings of the intended sinister plots of Old Tobias Clementine's heart and the covert devilry of Eldritch Farm. This infuriated Malachi, "How could this be? This undertaking must have been years in the making" he pondered. Unknowingly, that was quite the educated guess, even so; it got even worse as Malachi continued to read.

Finally, the Notice of Name Change file was opened. There was only one page. A form that was old and distorted but readable nonetheless. Clearly at the top in bold letters:

"Tubby, Tobias Clementine was formerly Tubalcain Jones VIII?" The Priest exclaimed horribly as a jolt of bad news from a bulletin. Quickly, he closed the files and Google "Tubalcain"

Tubal-cain - Blacksmith

Tubal-cain or Tubalcain is a person mentioned in the Bible, in Genesis 4:22, known for being the first blacksmith. He is stated as the "forger of all instruments of bronze and iron". A descendant of Cain, he was the son of Lamech and Zillah. Tubal-cain was the brother of Naamah and half-brother of Jabal and Jubal.

Shortly, after reading this there came a thunderous roar of a Lion mixed with the stampeding of animals. Quickly, the Priest erased the search history, closed the web browser and went forth from the trophy room to examine the noisome disturbance. Upon exiting the trophy room carefully Malachi slowly closed the door pressing it shut. He backed away a little distance while looking at the door in total amusement being perplexed by the ominous findings beyond that door. Now standing in Tobias' office, the phone rang several times before Malachi decided to answer. On the seventh, he answered and the voice Malachi heard was distasteful, high-pitched and effeminate.

"Hello darling, this is Wade. Larry and I recently booked a wedding and we would like to request a rainbow cake and verses to be read from the Queen James Bible"

"Very well then Mr Wade, I'll add your request to your itinerary" replied Malachi.

"It's Mistress!", cried the sodomite in shear anger. Briefly, Malachi pondered to give his apology but could not bring himself to do so. "You're a damn man!" He said in his heart. Then, the Priest had an idea.

"There's a call coming in could you hold the line please?"

"Sure sweetie" replied Wade smacking his lips with excessive laughter. O the look Malachi gave the handle of the phone spake volumes. Subsequently, he pressed the hold button, slams the phone on the hook and walked away.

       The roaring of the lion soon fainted as Malachi jetted across the living room and crouched behind the door leading to the farm. He looked out into the farm and saw nothing. Naturally, this seemed a little bit odd as he hesitantly opened the door and stood on the patio. He could see the barn nestled in the valley. The once noisy barn of stampeding animals sat quietly as his eyes slowly paced around the boundaries of Eldritch Farm.

"That's strange, where did the animals go?" He said unto himself. He thought nothing out the ordinary could go wrong, after all; this is a barn filled with dumb animals and fenced round about entirely. With these notions in heart Malachi walked off the patio, down the flights of stairs onto the grass and make his way towards the barn. To his astonishment the bulwarks and fences were all torn down and all the animals gathered together. Being shocked at the discovery he preceded to go into the barn. On his way, an erie feeling came upon the Priest as he stopped to look around. It was as if he's being watched.

Nevertheless, he continued aimlessly not knowing there were Lions lurking in the thick, vegetation just beyond the broken down fences. Upon reaching the barn the Priest noticed footprints of both man and beasts. He followed the tracks which lead him to the left-side of the barn. There, he discovered Tobias Clementine's gun, a broken lamp and a trough filled with feathers, feases and hay.

"This is where they found him" said Malachi. Meanwhile, as Malachi looked at the scene where Tobias' body laid, seven Lions crept up and stoop behind. Then the Priest heard a deep throaty voice behind him saying:

"Of a truth, this was the place they found him."

Immediately, he turned around and was surprised by a pride of Lions. Being terrified at their fierce countenance, six Lions gave passage to the seventh. Three hither and three thither. He was a Great young Lion, surely; the Priest thought he was as good as dead. The Great Lion approached Malachi walking between the other lions and roared. Subsequently, the Priest being frightened out of his witts fell upon his face as if he were dead. The Great Lion which stood over the motionless body of the Priest turned and walked away. The two closest lions to Malachi's body each bit the hem of Malachi's pants and dragged him underneath a nearby Ash Tree.

"Wake up Malachi and stand upon thy feet"

Exclaimed the Great Lion. Being visibly terrified and filled with fear Malachi mustered his strength to stand before The Lion.

"Be not afraid, Malachi" said The Lion.

"Forgive me, how can I not be? You're a Lion that speaks!" cried Malachi.

For the second time The Lion said to him:

"Be not afraid, for I'm an angel of the Lord and thy brethren"

"How can this be?" replied Malachi as he marveled greatly. Then the Lion said unto him:

"O Malachi, you have eyes but thou seest not. Look into the valley and declare unto me what you see".

Malachi looked in the valley and said:

"Animals, I see animals." he replied.

Straitway, two Rhinos approached them and both had a bucket being carried on their horns. The one on the left spilled the water upon the dust of the earth and said unto the Priest:

"Gather the earth and water into thy hands, knead it to a muddy paste; then rub it over thine eyes."

As The Great Lion explained the Priest humbled himself and obeyed. Shortly, thereafter; the other Rhino on the right side brought forth his bucket of water and laid it before him. Therefore, the Priest perceived it was for the washing of his face and he so did. When he finished washing the muddy residue from his face, surprisingly; he beheld the likeness of men round about him and not beasts. Being shocked and amazed with the loss of speech, he immediately turned frantically and looked in the valley where his eyes saw more men notably Blacks, Hispanics and Native Indians.



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23 de abr. de 2024
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31 de mar. de 2024
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Where it all started:

Blaze the trail, don't stop and ignore the foolishness brother. Shalom.


29 de fev. de 2024
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Stellar, stellar, stellar!


26 de jan. de 2024
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Malachi see the curses all day and it does even click in his mind what's going on SMH!


21 de jan. de 2024
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Animals I see animals. Oh no no no!

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